Hello, my name is Deon Hall, and I am a doctoral student in counseling psychology and an Army Reservist currently conducting research on the military and post-service experiences, and strengths of Black post-9/11 veterans. Involvement would consist of one interview and potentially a brief check afterward. All forms of intersectionality are welcomed (e.g., gender, sexual orientation, etc.). I am particularly interested in learning about how their unique military experiences influenced their identity development. This research will help to develop veteran support services that are more inclusive and knowledgeable about the unique experiences of Black and historically marginalized veterans. If you and/or someone you know may be interested in sharing their stories and experiences, please click on this hyperlink https://lnkd.in/eXKvrDn for further information and/or send an email to Hall0773@bears.unco.edu
Thank you for your time and your consideration.